Thursday, March 18, 2021

25 questions that I ponder about 🤔

  1. Why is it called a building if it’s already built?
  2. If two vegans are arguing is it still considered a beef?
  3. If you were born deaf, what language would you think in?
  4. If you get out of the shower clean then how does your towel get dirty?
  5. If Apple made a car would it still have windows?
  6. When we yawn do death people think we are screaming?
  7. If your waiting for the waiter aren’t you the waiter?
  8. Why aren’t iPhone chargers just called apple juice?
  9. If you work as security at a Samsung store does that make you a guardian of the galaxy?
  10. How do you throw away a garbage can?
  11. When you clean a vacuum cleaner aren’t you a vacuum cleaner?
  12. If life is unfair to everyone doesn’t that mean life is actually fair?
  13. Why are deliveries on a ship called cargo but in a car it’s called a shipment?
  14. Are oranges named oranges because oranges are orange or is orange named orange because oranges are orange?
  15. Is buttcheeks one word or should i spread them apart?
  16. If two mind readers are reading each others minds...who’s mind are they reading?
  17. If tomb is pronounced toom and womb is pronounced woom why isn’t bomb pronounced boom? 
  18. If you stab a cereal box are you a cereal killer?
  19. Why is bacon called bacon, and cookies called cookies if you cook bacon and bake cookies?
  20. If your shirt isn’t tucked into your pants does that mean your pants are tucked into your shirt?
  21. Why do we drive in parkways but park in driveways?
  22. If you try to fail but end up succeeding which did you actually do?
  23. Why are they called apartments if they are stuck together?
  24. Why is it called taking a dump when you’re leaving it?
  25. Why is the pizza box square if the pizza is a circle and the slices are cut in a triangle?

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