Monday, February 24, 2025

Part Of My Story

Donald Miykhoel Di Giacomo that's me. Born April 9, 1982 in Luzzi, Italy. Came to America in 1983 at the age of 1. Donny is my nickname. I am a chef, I love classic gangster films and old cinema in general, I collect toy cars, have a 23yo daughter and a 7yo daughter and am PURE Aries 🐏. My two daughters Mearea Janai is my eldest and Destiny Marie my youngest. Mea is 23 and Destiny is 7. I grew up in the worst neighborhood imaginable Kensington in Philly. Was shot 9 times in a scenario of wrong place wrong time when I was 17 which opened my eyes considering the "thug" lifestyle I was living at the time. Also survived 2 motorcycle accidents that should have killed me, a helicopter crash, an accidental overdose and survived the shit neighborhood.  

Life experiences teach you many things. Every day situations provide lessons to be learned weather you want to or not. I personally have been through more drama then I care to account BUT even though the world don't owe me anything, cept maybe an apology for the BS, I am grateful for the trails and tribulations I been through because I learned valuable lessons. 

Shot 9 times. Lesson: always be aware of my surroundings. Overdosed a few times. Lesson: drugs are illegal for a reason and no good comes from them. Only misery, loathing. I was involved in a motorcycle accident. Lesson: slow down and take it easy. I lost my mother on December 31, 2010 and my dad on September 5, 2019. Lesson: appreciate those you love and show it.

This is NOT a flex of any sort just an ironic or possibly idiotic observation but out of all the times I overdosed (more than I care to admit), I never overdosed while living in Kensington. Pottstown first od, Port Richmond, Fishtown, Fairmount, West Philly, South Philly, NE Philly, but never Kensington. 🤔

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