Life experiences teach you many things. Every day situations provide lessons to be learned weather you want to or not. I personally have been through more drama then I care to account BUT even though the world don't owe me anything, cept maybe an apology for the BS, I am grateful for the trails and tribulations I been through because I learned valuable lessons.
Shot 9 times. Lesson: always be aware of my surroundings. Overdosed a few times. Lesson: drugs are illegal for a reason and no good comes from them. Only misery, loathing. I was involved in a motorcycle accident. Lesson: slow down and take it easy. I lost my mother on December 31, 2010 and my dad on September 5, 2019. Lesson: appreciate those you love and show it.
This is NOT a flex of any sort just an ironic or possibly idiotic observation but out of all the times I overdosed (more than I care to admit), I never overdosed while living in Kensington. Pottstown first od, Port Richmond, Fishtown, Fairmount, West Philly, South Philly, NE Philly, but never Kensington. 🤔
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