Monday, July 18, 2011


What is there to do online theses days? With these “social networks” such as FaceBook & Twitter & whatever the f*ck they have out there now? It’s the same boring sh*t. The original concept was cool, to reconnect with lost people from your past & catch up & what not, like the original concept of the internet was used for debauchery, to seek out the sickest, craziest & sometimes illegal forms of porn & spank to it. Download music? & make the rich get richer, DMD no do that. BLOG!? Who gives a rat’s ass what anyone outside of you is thinking anyway? Status updates? Like I care what you’re doing every second of everyday? Like “today I just got a call from the love of my life” wow that seriously changes my life. All DMD is asking is what’s left?

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