Friday, July 25, 2014

A Vent

It's been a while since I posted some thoughts to this blog. With work really dont get a chance to post anything towards it and school in a month still I need to vent. 

My vent............

I been #rockbottom living for awhile and it is for the birds! I been keeping a positive outlook on things considering where I was 8 months ago but this living pay check to pay check and having like 20 bucks after everything is bullshit. 

I been angry a lot recently. My anger is lethal. I remember making 5 g's a week, now granted I was doing things that just weren't right and sometimes hear certain situations still and though I will NEVER revert back to that simply because I have come to far to fuck it up its still bullshit and at times I know I still have that side in me to do horrible.

Fuck You

Fuck It

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