Sunday, November 03, 2013

It's about that time....

Well I decided that I am going to rout from Minnesota. Been a peaceful month but it's just not me, for now. I don't know people out here cept maybe a handful and it's a bit boring and repetitive. Maybe when I get all my shit together I can come back out here and try it a third time. ((Charm?))

If one lesson I learned out here is to take my time and not rush myself. Things will come as they do, patience is a must. I will stop blindly doing things and I will say no to anyone if I don't feel what's going on no matter the situation.

Weigh the positives and the negatives.

Still I enjoyed myself out here. It has been like a vacation side a few days here and there still it's time I do right by me and not run away from family problems or any other problems at that.

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