Saturday, October 19, 2013

10/19.2013 UPDATE

Been a minute since I been on this blog and a few things have changed in my life. Major changes actually. For one I am no longer @ my aunt's house, as a matter of fact I am no longer in the 215. Took my ass out to Minnesota. Been here for 2 weeks. Kinda house bumming it which is making me a bit stir crazy but patience is a key.

It's pretty chill out here outside the weather which is cold as all fuck. Not use to the suburban lifestyle, quiet, but it is a work in progress. Just waiting for my flow to be sent so I can fully establish myself out here. 

I like it. It's a change and a good one, one that was definitely needed.

Sad news to report that my uncle Jake died on October 16. Glad I got to know him better then I ever did in the 9 months I was @ Eyre ST.

I am pretty much against returning to Philly all that is there is pain, and hurt and drama and shit I DO NOT NEED. So until next time when I feel the need to update or post a pic or something......

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