Thursday, September 19, 2024

Twilights Hush

In twilight's hush, where shadows play I dance with darkness, in a waltz of gray my heart beats slow, my soul on fire afusion of opposites, my deepest desire.

With every step, I bridge the gap between the light and the darkest lap I hold the keys to heaven's gate and the depths of hell, where shadows wait.

My soul's a canvas, painted with strife akaleidoscope of life I am the rainbow, after the storm a promise of hope, in a world transformed.

In me, contradictions find a home a sanctuary of paradox, where I am free to roam I am the light, that shines so bright and the darkness, that holds the night.

🇮🇹 DMD 🇷🇺

Light & Dark

I am the light, a beacon bright illuminating all, banishing the night yet, I am darkness, deep and wide consuming all, in my shadowy tide

My heart beats with contradictory rhyme love and hate entwined, a twisted crime I shine so bold, yet hide in fear a paradox of power, always drawing near

With every step, I tread the line between the light and the darkest mine I hold the keys to heaven's gate and the depths of hell, where shadows wait

My soul's a battleground, a war within where light and darkness clash, and spin I am the phoenix, rising high from ashes of darkness, to touch the sky

I am the abyss, the void so vast a chasm of shadows, forever to last yet, I am starlight, twinkling bright a celestial dance, in the dark of night

In me, contradictions reign a kingdom of paradox, where opposites sustain I am the balance, the harmony true a symphony of light and darkness, anew.

🇮🇹 DMD 🇷🇺

Friday, September 13, 2024


You want to know what you do in my thoughts? What all suede kittens do...on hands and knees you lap up the milk of me...and we purr kitten, like dragonflies buzzing around frog bellies.

True Loves Embrace²

In true love's embrace, I find my peaceful nest, a haven where my heart can rest and be, with you, my love, is where I am blessed, together our love shines bright and free.

Your arms, a gentle cradle, hold me tight, your touch ignites a burning, sweet delight, in your eyes, my soul finds its guiding light, with you, my love, everything's made right.

The world may fade, but our love will remain, through every storm, our bond will still sustain, for in each other's arms, we find our strength, together, our love will forever length.

So let us cherish this love we share, and in each other's embrace, forever care.

🇮🇹 DMD 🇷🇺

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Mars Belief

I believe that Mars was Earth before Earth. That a major catastrophic event occurred that forced humanity to relocate to Earth and here's why....Mars may have been habitable in the past and that a catastrophic event could have led to its current barren state which is supported by scientific evidence. Mars is believed to have had a watery past, with flowing rivers, lakes, and even oceans. However, a combination of factors, including a thinning atmosphere and loss of magnetic field, led to the planet's climate changing and becoming inhospitable.

Saturday, September 07, 2024

True Love’s Embrace

In the quiet whispers of the night, Where dreams and reality intertwine, There lies a love, pure and bright, A bond that stands the test of time.

Through storms and sunlit days, In laughter and in tears, True love finds its ways, And conquers all our fears.

It’s in the gentle touch of hands, The warmth of a knowing glance, In the way our hearts understand, And in the rhythm of our dance.

True love is not just a fleeting flame, But a fire that forever burns, It’s in the joy of calling your name, And in the lessons our hearts learn.

So here’s to love, steadfast and true, A beacon in the darkest night, With you, my heart always knew, That our love would shine so bright.

🇮🇹 DMD 🇷🇺

Thursday, September 05, 2024



It's been five years since my pop Donald F. DiGiacomo left at the age of 71. I still grin thinking about those kitchen coffee klatches with my uncle Anthony, where the conversation was always locked and loaded with war stories and gun chatter while they listened to family radio. I talked to my pop about 4 hours before he died while I was up top. Miss you dude.

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Vindication MFers

It feels so phenomenal to know that you really are not out of your mind and what you know you read in a history book way back in grade school was not a figment of your imagination but truth. What am I talking about? I am a history nerd just like my pop and back in grade school in Visitation I came across a history book of the surrounding area and what it was before. I distinctly remember reading that Lehigh Ave use to be a creek and people thought I was making shit up, granted they had a point cause I did make shit up back then BUT STILL, I remember reading and seeing an illustration of the creek and 30 something years later mother fuckers I feel VINDICATED....

Lehigh Avenue in the Kensington section of Philadelphia was indeed once a creek or river. Specifically, it was the path of the old Frankford Creek, which flowed through the area before being culverted (covered over) and converted into a street.

Frankford Creek was a significant waterway in the region, flowing from the northeast into the Delaware River. Over time, as the city grew and developed, the creek was gradually altered and eventually covered over to make way for urban development.

Today, Lehigh Avenue follows the approximate path of the old creek bed, and some remnants of the original watercourse can still be seen in the area. For example, the creek's legacy lives on in the form of nearby Frankford Creek Greenway, a linear park that follows the creek's former path and offers a glimpse into the area's natural history.

Sunday, September 01, 2024

Silent But Violent

When you see someone who is always calm, kind, and trying to avoid conflicts, be careful, this person notices everything, they remain silent because they know if they're let loose it will hurt. They tactically keep everything inside choosing to stay calm but the day it explodes it's a real storm and the one who triggered that anger will bear the burnt. Don't mistake their silence for weakness because behind every smile there is something that will surprise you.

Who TF You Fooling?

Your babies dads sister that has your kid cause you're incompetent has your heart? Yeah! Marc! You were and are a waste of time and that's why I distanced myself and only used you for some pussy and sooner rather than later, as your track record shows, you're going to fuck up again. #facts

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

🇮🇹 Italian 🇮🇹 & 🇷🇺 Russian 🇷🇺

🇮🇹 ITALIAN (italiano [itaˈljaːno] or lingua italiana [ˈliŋɡwa itaˈljaːna]) is a Romance language of the Indo-European language family. Italian is, by most measures and together with Sardinian, the closest language to Latin, from which it descends via Vulgar Latin. Italian is an official language in Italy, Switzerland (where it is the main language of Ticino and southern Grisons, San Marino and Vatican City. It has an official minority status in western Istria (Croatia and Slovenia). It formerly had official status in Albania, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro (Kotor), Greece (Ionian Islands and Dodecanese) and is generally understood in Corsica (due to its close relation with the Tuscan-influenced local language) and Savoie. It also used to be an official language in the former Italian East Africa and Italian North Africa, where it still plays a significant role in various sectors. Italian is also spoken by large expatriate communities in the Americas and Australia. Italian is included under the languages covered by the European Charter for Regional or Minority languages in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in Romania, although Italian is neither a co-official nor a protected language in these countries. Many speakers of Italian are native bilinguals of both Italian (either in its standard form or regional varieties and other regional languages. 🇮🇹

🇷🇺 RUSSIAN (русский язык, tr. russkij jazyk) is an East Slavic language native to the Russians in Eastern Europe. It is an official language in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, as well as being widely used throughout the Caucasus, Central Asia and to some extent in the Baltic states.[23][24] Russian belongs to the family of Indo-European languages, one of the four living members of the East Slavic languages alongside, and part of the larger Balto-Slavic branch. There is a high degree of mutual intelligibility between Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian. 🇷🇺

💪 Ten Minute Ab Workout 💪

(One Minute For Each)

1. Basic Crunch:
Both Hand Behind Head Keep Lower Back on Floor Lift Shoulders off Floor. 

2. Right Oblique Crunch:
Right Hand Behind Head Left Hand on Stomach Lift Right Shoulder of Floor
Bring Right Elbow Towards Left Knee. 

3. Left Oblique Crunch:
Left Hand Behind Head Right Hand on Stomach Lift Left Shoulder of Floor
Bring Left Elbow Towards Left Knee. 

4. Bicycle Crunch:
Both Hands Behind Head Move Legs in Bicycle Motion Lift Right Shoulder of Floor Towards Left Knee Repeat on Other Side and Alternate. 

5. Reverse Crunch:
Both Hands Behind Head Lift Shoulders off Floor Into Crunch and Hold with Legs Bent Pull Knees In Towards Head Movement Should Be Minimal, Only A Few Inches. 

6. Long Arm Crunch:
Lie Flat on Floor With Arms Straight Above Head Keep Arms Against Ears
Lift Shoulders Off Floor. 

7. Crossover Crunch:
Both Hands Behind Head Lift Right Shoulder Off Floor and Lift Left Leg Off Floor Bring Right Elbow To Left Knee
Repeat on Other Side and Alternate. 

8. Half Curl:
Both Hands On Thighs Lift Shoulders Off Floor Reaching Hands Toward Knees. 

9. Vertical Leg Crunch:
Both Hands Behind Head Legs Straight In The Air Lift Shoulders Off Floor Reaching Chest Towards Feet. 

10. Plank:
Lie Face Down
Push Up Off Floor Onto Elbows And Toes Hold Position Keeping Back Throughout the Exercise.



The Waves Of Chaos (My Story)


“To suffer woes which hope thinks infinite; to forgive wrongs darker than death or night; to defy power, which seems omnipotent; to love, and bear; to hope till hope creates from its own wreak the thing it contemplates; neither to change, nor falter, nor repent; this, like thy glory, titan, is to be good, great and joyous, beautiful and free, this alone life, joy, empire and victory”

"🇮🇹 Perdonami e abbi pietà di me. Proteggimi dalla punizione della tomba e dal tormento del fuoco. 🇮🇹"

“No man can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude without finally getting bewildered as to which one may be true” -Hawthorne

CHAPTER ONE: A Simply Intro

 Life definitely is series of ups and down’s and my life is no different say one; that every choice that I have ever made was done fully knowing and understanding what the rewards or the consequences could be. I have never been one to live by excuses. They, to my personal belief, are for the weak minded and weak willed. Now taking responsibility for the actions of my past is 50-50 and well that is a whole different animal that I’ll dive into a bit later.

I am the baby of my immediate family and the only son. I have two elder sisters D.T. and D.J. I come from a blue collar family. My mom was a woman who worked since the age of 16 till her untimely death at 61. She was the main provider, the glue, my mommy. She gave me anything and everything, sometimes to a fault because of me being the baby, and in no way where the choices I made her fault. I chose to act a fool and I expected things to be handed to me because they usually were.

My father......I love him and we do have a solid relationship and I am truly lucky and grateful that I had two parents in my life for 28 years when so many people don’t even have one for one day and that my parents were married for 40+ years and provided a stable home but it’s kind of hit and miss with the dude. My father....the best way to explain it is that sometimes I wish my father was a father and not a friend to me. That when I would do something that was in all honesty completely wrong he would have stepped in and would have put a reality check to me about how things truly are kind of the way my mom tried but I was too stubborn to heed. Coming from a man would have had more weight to it so to speak. Though I wish for that, again everything I ever done was choices I made to do fully knowing what I was going to do regardless.

CHAPTER TWO: Trouble Early

 Coming from where I do you grow up faster than you should. I knew about sex, drugs, violence, prostitutes, heroin addicts, drunks and such probably since the age of five. This was not because of “television” where people who don’t want to admit they suck as parents place blame it was just the neighborhood of Kensington.

My parents bought the house in 1971 when the neighborhood was working class. Not great but a family neighborhood not the zombie land, trashed garbage it has become today. My mother never moved because she felt why should she. She was just set in her ways and she felt that this was where she is and it’s where she stays. “The neighborhood won’t force me out” sometimes I wish she wasn’t as stubborn as she was because she deserved more than Kensington. She busted her ass for 40+ years and never really got the chance to enjoy the fruits of her labor. I do understand why she felt the way she did NOW but then I couldn’t grasp it. I always do ponder what life could have been like if she listened to my father and did move to the NE or into F-Town or into Feasterville how life would have turned out. Maybe I’d have been one of those yuppies with the white picket fence in suburbia with a shiatsu and a closet case homo with a hidden heroin addiction......who knows.


 I always had been addicted to a life of insanity, always in the middle of something. Just being a trouble maker was always fun. Doing things normal kids wouldn't even think about. Even young my greatest ambition was to die in a hail of bullets with the cops and forever be remembered by the streets as the bit of chaos crammed into a certifiable giggle I carved myself out to be.

Being a part of The Track Crew aka CMF is what I enjoyed. We were called this cause the rail road was right there and me and we were all Crazy Motha Fuckaz. A few friends and I would walk up the Village by the Factory and fuck around on the tracks all day. Throw rocks at SEPTA or the traffic below depending on what bridge we were near, be chased by Conrail and Dodge being shot by salt guns. Train hop.

I would do whatever it took to make money. I sold drugs on the streets, was the first individual to sell heroin in Kensington at the age of 13 (1995). Before the heroin it really only was just a weed or Xanax paradise but I helped change it.

1995 is when I really began my decent into the streets with the aforementioned drug dealing but before that came....

A Tale in Kensington

Listen up, I got a message to speak about a plague that's spreading, can't be beat, addicts walking round, like they're in a haze lost their grip on life, in a daze

They're chasing the high, but it's a dead-end road leaving destruction, wherever they go, families broken, lives laid to waste all for the fix, they can't escape

I got no love for the addicts life it's a cycle of pain, no end in sight they're slaves to the substance, can't break free a never-ending struggle, can't find their destiny

But still, I got hope, that they can change break the chains, rearrange their lives, their minds, their souls find a new path, reach their goals

So this is a warning, to all who can hear don't get caught up, in the addict fear it's a road to nowhere, don't you forget find your strength, don't let it regret.

Amber My Queen

(Verse 1)
Listen up y'all, I got a story to tell 'bout a girl named Amber, doing well she stole my heart with her beauty and grace now I'm caught up in her lovin' embrace

Amber, my ride or die, my partner in crime with you by my side, I feel so divine you're my gangsta queen, my love so true forever with you, my heart belongs to you

(Verse 2)
She's got a smile so bright, it lights up the night and her touch, it sets my soul on fire, feels just right she's my accomplice, my partner in sin together we'll ride, until the very end

Amber, my ride or die, my partner in crime with you by my side, I feel so divine you're my gangsta queen, my love so true forever with you, my heart belongs to you

We'll take the streets, we'll take the night our love will shine, like a beacon light we'll live for each other, we'll die for our love our bond is strong, sent from above

Amber, my ride or die, my partner in crime with you by my side, I feel so divine you're my gangsta queen, my love so true forever with you, my heart belongs to you

Amber, my love, my heart beats for you in your arms, I find my truth forever and always, my love will be true my gangsta queen, I'm loving you.

Kensington #2

(Verse 1)
I'm back with another tale from the Kensingston streets where the hustlers hustle and the strong ones compete from McPherson Square to Kensington Avenue we run this town, our names etched in the pavement

Kensington, we on the rise ain't nobody stoppin' us, got our eyes on the prize Kensington, our name in lights we shining bright, day and night, we ignitin' fights

(Verse 2)
We got our own code, our own set of rules loyalty and respect, that's what we choose we protect our own, we got each other's backs in Kensington, we stand strong, no looking back

Kensington, we on the rise ain't nobody stoppin' us, got our eyes on the prize Kensington, our name in lights we shining bright, day and night, we ignitin' fights

(Verse 3)
We been through struggles, faced our share of pain but we always bounce back, like the rain we resilient, we resourceful, we real Kensington, we the heartbeat, we the way we feel

Kensington, we on the rise ain't nobody stoppin' us, got our eyes on the prize Kensington, our name in lights we shining bright, day and night, we ignitin' fights

So listen up y'all, this our story told Kensington, we bold, our spirit unfold we won't back down, we won't give in Kensington, we'll always win.

Kensington #1

(Verse 1)
Listen up, let me tell you 'bout a place Kensington, Philly, where the streets is cold as ice grew up rough, had to fight for my life but this neighborhood made me, it's where I thrive

Kensington, streets of pain where the strong survive, and the weak get claimed Kensington, my hood, my home where the struggle's real, but we never roam

(Verse 2)
From Allegheny to Frankford, we run these streets tryna make a name, tryna get a rep, tryna eat but the system's designed to keep us down so we grind hard, wear our crowns, and never frown

Kensington, streets of pain where the strong survive, and the weak get claimed Kensington, my hood, my home where the struggle's real, but we never roam

(Verse 3)
We got heart, we got pride, we got our own style from the bottom up, we built our own smile Kensington, we put it on the map our name rings bells, our legacy won't snap

Kensington, streets of pain where the strong survive, and the weak get claimed, Kensington, my hood, my home where the struggle's real, but we never roam

We ain't never leaving, this our territory
Kensington, we rep it, it's our identity through the struggles, we find our way Kensington, we'll always have something to say

So listen up, this our story told Kensington, we bold, our spirit unfold we won't back down, we won't give in Kensington, we'll always win.

Somerset El Stop Story

Me and my friends when we were younger would be able to push that one turn style thingy that was on the ground level on the corner the other way and would be able to get on the el for free, it was the eastbound side, you actually had to be creative back then to sneak on the el unlike now which is beyond easy, any who, remember there use to be two toll booths on each side and no overpass so if we wanted to go westbound toward the city we would jump on the tracks and cross never realizing that if we would have touched the third rail we would have been beyond refried and what's crazy about that is we would only jump onto the tracks to cross when a train was near and now that I am thinking about what I just wrote I just realized when I was younger I was really, really stupid and must have had a death wish. 

Another unrelated story and my obvious blatant disregard for life apparently was during the blizzard of 96 and jumping off the railroad bridge on Emerald Street near Lehigh doing backflips and front flips and belly flops like it was nothing. Going down to Pebble Beach near Richmond Street after catching a ride on a moving Conrail train and hoping that the d*cks wouldn't shoot you with their salt guns which hurt like a MFer I might add and go to the pier or should I say metal beams cause there was no pier and jumping head first like we were Olympic divers into the dirty del. 

I miss them days actually 😂.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Why I Don't Get High Anymore

I was the typical weekend warrior throughout my late teens and entire 20's. Actually I only indulged on Saturdays. Until 2014 when OMW home from work I was ran off the road and crashed my motorcycle into a concrete barrier at 80mph. I was in the hospital for 2½ months on delauded. When I got out I was given a script for 120 percs 30's which I completely chewed through in 2 weeks. So after deciding I'm not paying $25 a pill I eventually tried heroin. Unlike most, I don't blame the doctors that prescribed the pain meds because I was the one who sat around chewing them like they were candy and not following the clear directions of the prescription and feeling sorry for myself, wanting everyone too as well and not following through or even up with the physical therapy that was a necessary step in getting back to some what normal.

You never know WTF your going to get now of days anyway due to it either being compressed fake BS and fentanyl laced that eats away at your body and TBH me and fentanyl just don't get along since it has tried to kill me 19 times (literally). If I want to poison myself again I'll down draino cause its the same thing and besides who TF has the time any more to engage in that shit?! I don't, with school, and work and the unfortunate everyday adult life things I need to accomplish to ensure the quality of life I believe I deserve of course through hard work. Most importantly, WHY?! It's boring, a waste of money, a waste of time and yields absolutely no positive outcome.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Age Sleep

It is crazy to ponder that when I was younger I needed at least 8-10 hours of sleep to barely function. Aren't younger people supposed to have more natural energy? Well, now that I'm older all I need is 3 hours of sleep and I'm good to go, I feel energized, alert, and on the move and ready to take on the world....well maybe not the world, FTW, at least ready for the day so yeah IDK, it is what it is people.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Tu Mensaje de hoy (Your Message Today)

You don't know everything, declare yourself a learner. Every day is a new opportunity to learn something new, put your heart in readiness and humility to receive those gifts day by day.

- Learn something new today -

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Kensington Streets

Growing up in Kensington in the 90s and 2000s was a wild ride. The streets were tough, but they were home. I knew every alleyway, the Golden was a favorite of ours, also every corner, and every face. It was a community that looked out for each other, despite the struggles.

Kensington had its darker side. The crack and heroin epidemic swept through our streets like a plague, leaving behind shattered lives and broken dreams. I saw friends succumb to addiction, and the violence that came with it. I too succumbed to a heroin addiction but luckily overcame.

Despite the challenges, we found joy in the simple things. We'd play halfies in the streets, ride our bikes through the neighborhood, Franklin Field and Cambria was a mainstay and so was the Sesame lot in the Village. We throw rocks at the train, get shot by salt gun by the Conrail workers, hop the train down to Pebble Beach and jump on the pier, or should I say beams. Fight other areas such as Conwell, The Lot and others which was always entertaining.

Growing up in Kensington was about resilience, grit, and friendship. It was the understanding that we were all in this together.

As I grew older, I realized that escaping the harsh realities of Kensington is a testament to my resilience and determination. I, as well as a few others rose from the ashes, carrying the wisdom and strength forged in those streets, but also leaving behind the struggles and limitations.

We emerged stronger, wiser, and more compassionate, with a deeper understanding of self and the world around us. Our experiences shaped us, but don't define us. We can rise above our circumstances, learn from them, and create a brighter future for ourselves and those around us.

I still drive through Kensington sometimes, and it's so foreign to me that I realize what we all survived. The streets are way different but it is what it is and though I'm glad to be gone from there, I am grateful for what I've endured and learned from Kensington.

Greatest Story Ever Told

The Bible is a cult propaganda manual conceived by man that is continually used as a tool for controlling and manipulating the masses, stands as the greatest fairytale ever told, shaping moral and ethical values.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Never Forget

Anthony helped, "family" left, Amanda, Jessica, Lauren the MAIN 3 the put me in and I overcame everyone due to being resilient, and superior.

MaryAnn DiGiacomo Tribute Page
