Sunday, February 07, 2010

F*CKING February!

I posted a blog on my myspace last year but how the last I don't know 6 February's have always sucked for me & well surprise sh*t goes somewhat wrong again, so I had a major problem with my DSL which I fixed a few days ago, half assed but still fixed. Had to go out & buy a home network box so I can connect 2 computers together cause Verizon sent a small one ethernet cable hook up box, & that was only the beginning THEN my DVR f*cked up & took me 3 days to power surge the damn thing & that was utterly hilarious. This past Friday I go out with this chick I been start to "run into" you know to show her a good time & have fun well she ends up starting trouble with a few of my friends & have to drag her drunk ass thru f*cking snow WHICH turns out to be close to 30 inches oh yeah & the Wednesday coming up, could get 6 to 8 more inches IF we are lucky & if now another 2 f*cking feet! YEAH! SUPER DUDE!

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