Thursday, September 19, 2024

Twilights Hush

In twilight's hush, where shadows play I dance with darkness, in a waltz of gray my heart beats slow, my soul on fire afusion of opposites, my deepest desire.

With every step, I bridge the gap between the light and the darkest lap I hold the keys to heaven's gate and the depths of hell, where shadows wait.

My soul's a canvas, painted with strife akaleidoscope of life I am the rainbow, after the storm a promise of hope, in a world transformed.

In me, contradictions find a home a sanctuary of paradox, where I am free to roam I am the light, that shines so bright and the darkness, that holds the night.

🇮🇹 DMD 🇷🇺

Light & Dark

I am the light, a beacon bright illuminating all, banishing the night yet, I am darkness, deep and wide consuming all, in my shadowy tide

My heart beats with contradictory rhyme love and hate entwined, a twisted crime I shine so bold, yet hide in fear a paradox of power, always drawing near

With every step, I tread the line between the light and the darkest mine I hold the keys to heaven's gate and the depths of hell, where shadows wait

My soul's a battleground, a war within where light and darkness clash, and spin I am the phoenix, rising high from ashes of darkness, to touch the sky

I am the abyss, the void so vast a chasm of shadows, forever to last yet, I am starlight, twinkling bright a celestial dance, in the dark of night

In me, contradictions reign a kingdom of paradox, where opposites sustain I am the balance, the harmony true a symphony of light and darkness, anew.

🇮🇹 DMD 🇷🇺

Friday, September 13, 2024


You want to know what you do in my thoughts? What all suede kittens do...on hands and knees you lap up the milk of me...and we purr kitten, like dragonflies buzzing around frog bellies.

True Loves Embrace²

In true love's embrace, I find my peaceful nest, a haven where my heart can rest and be, with you, my love, is where I am blessed, together our love shines bright and free.

Your arms, a gentle cradle, hold me tight, your touch ignites a burning, sweet delight, in your eyes, my soul finds its guiding light, with you, my love, everything's made right.

The world may fade, but our love will remain, through every storm, our bond will still sustain, for in each other's arms, we find our strength, together, our love will forever length.

So let us cherish this love we share, and in each other's embrace, forever care.

🇮🇹 DMD 🇷🇺

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Mars Belief

I believe that Mars was Earth before Earth. That a major catastrophic event occurred that forced humanity to relocate to Earth and here's why....Mars may have been habitable in the past and that a catastrophic event could have led to its current barren state which is supported by scientific evidence. Mars is believed to have had a watery past, with flowing rivers, lakes, and even oceans. However, a combination of factors, including a thinning atmosphere and loss of magnetic field, led to the planet's climate changing and becoming inhospitable.

Saturday, September 07, 2024

True Love’s Embrace

In the quiet whispers of the night, Where dreams and reality intertwine, There lies a love, pure and bright, A bond that stands the test of time.

Through storms and sunlit days, In laughter and in tears, True love finds its ways, And conquers all our fears.

It’s in the gentle touch of hands, The warmth of a knowing glance, In the way our hearts understand, And in the rhythm of our dance.

True love is not just a fleeting flame, But a fire that forever burns, It’s in the joy of calling your name, And in the lessons our hearts learn.

So here’s to love, steadfast and true, A beacon in the darkest night, With you, my heart always knew, That our love would shine so bright.

🇮🇹 DMD 🇷🇺

Thursday, September 05, 2024



It's been five years since my pop Donald F. DiGiacomo left at the age of 71. I still grin thinking about those kitchen coffee klatches with my uncle Anthony, where the conversation was always locked and loaded with war stories and gun chatter while they listened to family radio. I talked to my pop about 4 hours before he died while I was up top. Miss you dude.

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Vindication MFers

It feels so phenomenal to know that you really are not out of your mind and what you know you read in a history book way back in grade school was not a figment of your imagination but truth. What am I talking about? I am a history nerd just like my pop and back in grade school in Visitation I came across a history book of the surrounding area and what it was before. I distinctly remember reading that Lehigh Ave use to be a creek and people thought I was making shit up, granted they had a point cause I did make shit up back then BUT STILL, I remember reading and seeing an illustration of the creek and 30 something years later mother fuckers I feel VINDICATED....

Lehigh Avenue in the Kensington section of Philadelphia was indeed once a creek or river. Specifically, it was the path of the old Frankford Creek, which flowed through the area before being culverted (covered over) and converted into a street.

Frankford Creek was a significant waterway in the region, flowing from the northeast into the Delaware River. Over time, as the city grew and developed, the creek was gradually altered and eventually covered over to make way for urban development.

Today, Lehigh Avenue follows the approximate path of the old creek bed, and some remnants of the original watercourse can still be seen in the area. For example, the creek's legacy lives on in the form of nearby Frankford Creek Greenway, a linear park that follows the creek's former path and offers a glimpse into the area's natural history.

Sunday, September 01, 2024

Silent But Violent

When you see someone who is always calm, kind, and trying to avoid conflicts, be careful, this person notices everything, they remain silent because they know if they're let loose it will hurt. They tactically keep everything inside choosing to stay calm but the day it explodes it's a real storm and the one who triggered that anger will bear the burnt. Don't mistake their silence for weakness because behind every smile there is something that will surprise you.

Who TF You Fooling?

Your babies dads sister that has your kid cause you're incompetent has your heart? Yeah! Marc! You were and are a waste of time and that's why I distanced myself and only used you for some pussy and sooner rather than later, as your track record shows, you're going to fuck up again. #facts

MaryAnn DiGiacomo Tribute Page
