Thursday, September 19, 2024

Light & Dark

I am the light, a beacon bright illuminating all, banishing the night yet, I am darkness, deep and wide consuming all, in my shadowy tide

My heart beats with contradictory rhyme love and hate entwined, a twisted crime I shine so bold, yet hide in fear a paradox of power, always drawing near

With every step, I tread the line between the light and the darkest mine I hold the keys to heaven's gate and the depths of hell, where shadows wait

My soul's a battleground, a war within where light and darkness clash, and spin I am the phoenix, rising high from ashes of darkness, to touch the sky

I am the abyss, the void so vast a chasm of shadows, forever to last yet, I am starlight, twinkling bright a celestial dance, in the dark of night

In me, contradictions reign a kingdom of paradox, where opposites sustain I am the balance, the harmony true a symphony of light and darkness, anew.

🇮🇹 DMD 🇷🇺

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