Wednesday, August 28, 2024

A Tale in Kensington

Listen up, I got a message to speak about a plague that's spreading, can't be beat, addicts walking round, like they're in a haze lost their grip on life, in a daze

They're chasing the high, but it's a dead-end road leaving destruction, wherever they go, families broken, lives laid to waste all for the fix, they can't escape

I got no love for the addicts life it's a cycle of pain, no end in sight they're slaves to the substance, can't break free a never-ending struggle, can't find their destiny

But still, I got hope, that they can change break the chains, rearrange their lives, their minds, their souls find a new path, reach their goals

So this is a warning, to all who can hear don't get caught up, in the addict fear it's a road to nowhere, don't you forget find your strength, don't let it regret.

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