Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Somerset El Stop Story

Me and my friends when we were younger would be able to push that one turn style thingy that was on the ground level on the corner the other way and would be able to get on the el for free, it was the eastbound side, you actually had to be creative back then to sneak on the el unlike now which is beyond easy, any who, remember there use to be two toll booths on each side and no overpass so if we wanted to go westbound toward the city we would jump on the tracks and cross never realizing that if we would have touched the third rail we would have been beyond refried and what's crazy about that is we would only jump onto the tracks to cross when a train was near and now that I am thinking about what I just wrote I just realized when I was younger I was really, really stupid and must have had a death wish. 

Another unrelated story and my obvious blatant disregard for life apparently was during the blizzard of 96 and jumping off the railroad bridge on Emerald Street near Lehigh doing backflips and front flips and belly flops like it was nothing. Going down to Pebble Beach near Richmond Street after catching a ride on a moving Conrail train and hoping that the d*cks wouldn't shoot you with their salt guns which hurt like a MFer I might add and go to the pier or should I say metal beams cause there was no pier and jumping head first like we were Olympic divers into the dirty del. 

I miss them days actually 😂.

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