Wednesday, August 28, 2024

💪 Ten Minute Ab Workout 💪

(One Minute For Each)

1. Basic Crunch:
Both Hand Behind Head Keep Lower Back on Floor Lift Shoulders off Floor. 

2. Right Oblique Crunch:
Right Hand Behind Head Left Hand on Stomach Lift Right Shoulder of Floor
Bring Right Elbow Towards Left Knee. 

3. Left Oblique Crunch:
Left Hand Behind Head Right Hand on Stomach Lift Left Shoulder of Floor
Bring Left Elbow Towards Left Knee. 

4. Bicycle Crunch:
Both Hands Behind Head Move Legs in Bicycle Motion Lift Right Shoulder of Floor Towards Left Knee Repeat on Other Side and Alternate. 

5. Reverse Crunch:
Both Hands Behind Head Lift Shoulders off Floor Into Crunch and Hold with Legs Bent Pull Knees In Towards Head Movement Should Be Minimal, Only A Few Inches. 

6. Long Arm Crunch:
Lie Flat on Floor With Arms Straight Above Head Keep Arms Against Ears
Lift Shoulders Off Floor. 

7. Crossover Crunch:
Both Hands Behind Head Lift Right Shoulder Off Floor and Lift Left Leg Off Floor Bring Right Elbow To Left Knee
Repeat on Other Side and Alternate. 

8. Half Curl:
Both Hands On Thighs Lift Shoulders Off Floor Reaching Hands Toward Knees. 

9. Vertical Leg Crunch:
Both Hands Behind Head Legs Straight In The Air Lift Shoulders Off Floor Reaching Chest Towards Feet. 

10. Plank:
Lie Face Down
Push Up Off Floor Onto Elbows And Toes Hold Position Keeping Back Throughout the Exercise.

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